Clarity and brilliance of spodumene-gemological laboratory

Characteristics of spodumene – history and introduction

Spodumene is a pyroxene mineral with the characteristics of a gemstone, which takes its name from the Greek word spodumenos, meaning ash-colored
The name of this stone is derived from the opaque color of its crystals
In terms of composition, spodumene is lithium aluminum silicate and it is considered one of the most important sources of industrial lithium consumption at present
Spodumene is usually found next to granite, aplite and pegmatite
Although spodumene was first introduced in the 1800s, its transparent gemstone varieties were only identified in the last century
From the point of view of gemology, Spudman, like Yemeni stone, is actually a group of related gemstones and can be referred to as a special type of gem
In the jewelry trade, spudman gemstone usually refers only to golden yellow or pale yellow material
Other colors have their own names, including kunzite and hydnite
Spudman Kunzite is pale pink to purple while spodman hydnite is green
Although Spudman was first discovered in Sweden, its green and pink varieties were first identified in America, and both are named after their discoverers
Kunzite is named after George Frederick Kunz and Haydnite is named after William Earl Hayden

Identification of spodumene

Spudman is lithium aluminum silicate with a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale
This stone usually has good transparency and shine like glass
Spodumene is known for its crystal structure, fissibility, light refraction
Spudman is distinguished from similar gems such as quartz, topaz and beryl based on its polychromy and refractive index, the refractive index of this stone is much lower than that of tanzanite
Origin and sources of spodumene

Spodumene is found in many places around the world
Its most famous deposits are found in Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan and the United States
Hydnite was originally found in North Carolina, but has recently been found in Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, and California
Many believe that green spodumene is obtained from anywhere other than hydnite
The most important deposits of pink Kunzite have been found in the mines of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Other notable sources are Afghanistan, Madagascar, Myanmar, Pakistan, and the United States of America
A colorless and very rare specimen was also found in Madagascar, and its blue color has also been seen in Afghanistan
Spodumene color

Spodumene can have different colors such as white, colorless, gray, pink, indigo purple, light blue, yellow and green
Spodumene basically refers to the yellow substance
Pink spodumene has its color from manganese, green spodumene with chromium and yellow spodumene with iron impurities
In all spodumene, the top and bottom of the crystals are bolder
Crystals have a multi-colored display, and this is the reason why we see different colors depending on the viewing angle
All spodumenes are opaque in color, especially when exposed to heat or direct sunlight
The transparency and brilliance of spodumene

Spudman has a lot of transparency
Even its large samples are not too bad
In rare cases, spodumene exhibits a variable luster or cat’s eye effect
After polishing, the luster of glass appears
Spodumene cut and shape

Spodumene is usually smooth and shaved, and very rarely it is wavy
This stone looks multi-colored and the top and bottom of its crystals show the most colors
Spodumene is considered a real challenge for the jeweler because of its high fissibility, chip refraction and multi-colored nature
The most common shapes include oval, circle, cone, pear and polyhedron
Sometimes it is carved as a decorative jewel
Preparation of spodumene

Spudman is not optimized or prepared in any way, however, the brown and green-purple materials are exposed to heat to make the color more visible

Spodumene jewelry and gemstone design ideas

Although spodumene has relatively good hardness and its clarity and brilliance are excellent, it is still unknown to many jewelry buyers
This stone is suitable for designing almost all jewelry, including rings, bracelets, pendants, brooches and cufflinks
The charm of spodumene is in its wonderful color and transparency
Pink spodumene for women’s jewelry, yellow and green spodumene are suitable for both women and men
Spodumene can also be used for various decorative items as there are large specimens of it
It is very rare to find a natural yellow stone larger than 5 carats, so yellow spodumene is a good option for those who are looking for large stones in jewelry designs such as large rings or pendants

The famous gem stones of spodumene

As a lesser-known gemstone, yellow spodumene is not widely known
However, in the decorations of the Duke of Gloucester’s Russian hat, there is a part that can change the middle stone of the hat
So far, diamonds, emeralds and pink spodumene have been chosen for this hat
Maintenance and cleaning of spodumene gemstone

Spodumene is relatively hard, but due to its high splitting ability, it must be carefully maintained
A hard blow can split the rock into two halves
Spodumene is sensitive to heat and intense light
Its color fades over time, and if it continues to be exposed to heat and direct light, eventually the entire color will be lost
Therefore, it is better to wear spodone gemstones in the evening
Do not use ultrasonic cleaners or steam cleaners when cleaning these stones
Spodumene can be easily washed with soap and water and a soft cloth
Do not use acidic chemicals
Always take them off before exercising or engaging in strenuous physical activity
When placing the jewelry in the box, it is better to keep it away from other jewelry and wrap it in a soft cloth

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