How to recognize red ruby Ruby evaluation method

The history of the ruby

In international trade, red ruby ​​is called Ruby and other colors are Sapphire, and this name is always associated with its color. Jewelry has many uses
* Red ruby ​​stone is one of the hardest minerals after diamond in the ranking of the hardest minerals. Corundum may contain small amounts of impurities such as titanium, copper, manganese, chromium, and iron. The presence of impurities in the stone produces different colors such as blue, yellow, purple, pink, orange, and red in corundum

کارشناسی یاقوت، تعیین چگالی یاقوت، رنگ خاکه یاقوت ، صدور شناسنامه یاقوت ، روش تعیین سختی یاقوت ، هزینه کارشناسی یاقوت ، بهترین کارشناس یاقوت در ایران، قیمت گذاری یاقوت ، ارزیاب یاقوت ، ویژگی جواهر یاقوت ، ضریب شکست نور یاقوت چقدر است، خواص یاقوت ، تشخیص بهسازی یاقوت ، خاصیت نوری یاقوت ، رنگ یاقوت زیر فیلتر چلسی، روش تشخیص یاقوت اصل، فرق یاقوت اصلی و مصنوعی،ruby

Ruby examination, ruby ​​density determination, ruby ​​outline color, ruby ​​birth certificate issuance, ruby ​​hardness determination method, ruby ​​examination cost, the best ruby ​​expert in Iran, ruby ​​pricing, ruby ​​appraiser, the characteristics of a ruby ​​gem, what is the refractive index of ruby, properties of ruby , recognition of ruby ​​improvement, optical property of ruby, color of ruby ​​under Chelsea filter, method of identifying genuine ruby, difference between real ruby ​​and artificial ruby, ruby ​​is one of the most valuable colored gemstones, in fact, large rubies have high prices equivalent to diamonds. They have their own size.
Ruby has been precious for centuries and the reason is its 9Mohs hardness along with its wonderful red color and glassy luster.
Ruby is a type of corundum that gets its red color from chromium
Corundum in any color other than red is classified as sapphire
In its purest form, corundum is completely colorless
The word Kurundum is derived from the Tamil word Kurundam meaning red ruby
In the Sanskrit language of ancient India, ruby ​​is called ratnaraj, meaning the king of precious stones
Ruby examination, ruby ​​density determination, ruby ​​outline color, ruby ​​birth certificate issuance, ruby ​​hardness determination method, ruby ​​examination cost, the best ruby ​​expert in Iran, ruby ​​pricing, ruby ​​appraiser, the characteristics of a ruby ​​gem, what is the refractive index of ruby, properties of ruby , recognition of ruby ​​improvement, optical property of ruby, color of ruby ​​under Chelsea filter, method of identifying original ruby, difference between real and artificial ruby, ruby,

ruby ​​identification

کارشناسی یاقوت، تعیین چگالی یاقوت، رنگ خاکه یاقوت ، صدور شناسنامه یاقوت ، روش تعیین سختی یاقوت ، هزینه کارشناسی یاقوت ، بهترین کارشناس یاقوت در ایران، قیمت گذاری یاقوت ، ارزیاب یاقوت ، ویژگی جواهر یاقوت ، ضریب شکست نور یاقوت چقدر است، خواص یاقوت ، تشخیص بهسازی یاقوت ، خاصیت نوری یاقوت ، رنگ یاقوت زیر فیلتر چلسی، روش تشخیص یاقوت اصل، فرق یاقوت اصلی و مصنوعی،ruby

Ruby can be identified by its hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale and its specific color
Natural rubies are distinguished from composite rubies based on their constituent materials, natural rubies show their inclusions while composite rubies are seen without inclusions
The origin and sources of ruby

کارشناسی یاقوت، تعیین چگالی یاقوت، رنگ خاکه یاقوت ، صدور شناسنامه یاقوت ، روش تعیین سختی یاقوت ، هزینه کارشناسی یاقوت ، بهترین کارشناس یاقوت در ایران، قیمت گذاری یاقوت ، ارزیاب یاقوت ، ویژگی جواهر یاقوت ، ضریب شکست نور یاقوت چقدر است، خواص یاقوت ، تشخیص بهسازی یاقوت ، خاصیت نوری یاقوت ، رنگ یاقوت زیر فیلتر چلسی، روش تشخیص یاقوت اصل، فرق یاقوت اصلی و مصنوعی،ruby

The most important sources of ruby ​​are related to Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Sri Lanka and Tanzania
Other sources are Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, India, Cambodia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Tajikistan, USA and Vietnam
Ruby examination, ruby ​​density determination, ruby ​​outline color, ruby ​​birth certificate issuance, ruby ​​hardness determination method, ruby ​​examination cost, the best ruby ​​expert in Iran, ruby ​​pricing, ruby ​​appraiser, the characteristics of a ruby ​​gem, what is the refractive index of ruby, properties of ruby , recognition of ruby ​​improvement, optical property of ruby, color of ruby ​​under Chelsea filter, method of identifying genuine ruby, difference between original and artificial ruby,

ruby ​​color and appearance of ruby

کارشناسی یاقوت، تعیین چگالی یاقوت، رنگ خاکه یاقوت ، صدور شناسنامه یاقوت ، روش تعیین سختی یاقوت ، هزینه کارشناسی یاقوت ، بهترین کارشناس یاقوت در ایران، قیمت گذاری یاقوت ، ارزیاب یاقوت ، ویژگی جواهر یاقوت ، ضریب شکست نور یاقوت چقدر است، خواص یاقوت ، تشخیص بهسازی یاقوت ، خاصیت نوری یاقوت ، رنگ یاقوت زیر فیلتر چلسی، روش تشخیص یاقوت اصل، فرق یاقوت اصلی و مصنوعی،ruby

Ruby color is the most important quality factor
The most popular color of this stone is pure red with streaks of blue
This combination is known as pigeon blood
When the color of the ruby ​​is very bright, it is classified as a pink ruby, which differs according to each region
In some areas, pink ruby ​​is considered the same as red ruby
The extraordinary brilliance of the red color shows that the red color is the brilliance
Clarity and brilliance of ruby

Ruby usually shows imperfections and these are part of the nature of this stone
However, when imperfections reduce the luster or clarity of a stone, it decreases its value
A ruby ​​that cannot be seen with the naked eye is a large ruby ​​that is very rare and very valuable
Ruby examination, ruby ​​density determination, ruby ​​outline color, ruby ​​birth certificate issuance, ruby ​​hardness determination method, ruby ​​examination cost, the best ruby ​​expert in Iran, ruby ​​pricing, ruby ​​appraiser, the characteristics of a ruby ​​gem, what is the refractive index of ruby, properties of ruby , recognition of ruby ​​improvement, optical property of ruby, color of ruby ​​under Chelsea filter, method of identifying genuine ruby, difference between original and artificial ruby,

ruby ​​cut and shape of ruby

کارشناسی یاقوت، تعیین چگالی یاقوت، رنگ خاکه یاقوت ، صدور شناسنامه یاقوت ، روش تعیین سختی یاقوت ، هزینه کارشناسی یاقوت ، بهترین کارشناس یاقوت در ایران، قیمت گذاری یاقوت ، ارزیاب یاقوت ، ویژگی جواهر یاقوت ، ضریب شکست نور یاقوت چقدر است، خواص یاقوت ، تشخیص بهسازی یاقوت ، خاصیت نوری یاقوت ، رنگ یاقوت زیر فیلتر چلسی، روش تشخیص یاقوت اصل، فرق یاقوت اصلی و مصنوعی،ruby

Rubies usually have mixed cuts and are accompanied by brilliant crown cuts and stepped pavilions
The most common shapes are oval and cushion. There are other cuts such as circle, triangle, diamond, pear and egg shape
However, these shapes are hard to find in large sizes because no shape like oval or pillow can hold the original weight of the stone
Rubies larger than one carat are rare, so prices increase based on size
The star ruby ​​is cut to better display this optical phenomenon
Rutile-encrusted rubies have a lustrous luster, while clear rubies shine like glass
Gemstoners usually round rubies to minimize their reddish-orange color and not reduce their carat weight
Ruby examination, ruby ​​density determination, ruby ​​outline color, ruby ​​birth certificate issuance, ruby ​​hardness determination method, ruby ​​examination cost, the best ruby ​​expert in Iran, ruby ​​pricing, ruby ​​appraiser, the characteristics of a ruby ​​gem, what is the refractive index of ruby, properties of ruby , recognition of ruby ​​improvement, optical property of ruby, color of ruby ​​under Chelsea filter, method of identifying genuine ruby, difference between original and artificial ruby, gemological characteristics of red ruby

Chemical formula: Al203, aluminum oxide
Crystal structure: three

Aceh, a hexagonal or rhomboidal prism
Color: red varieties
Hardness: 9 on the Mohs scale
Refractive index: 1.726-1.778
Density: 3.97-4.05
Gap: None
Transparency: transparent to opaque
Double refraction index or bidirectional brightness: -0.008
Luster: glassy to shiny
Night vision: strong: purple red

کارشناسی یاقوت، تعیین چگالی یاقوت، رنگ خاکه یاقوت ، صدور شناسنامه یاقوت ، روش تعیین سختی یاقوت ، هزینه کارشناسی یاقوت ، بهترین کارشناس یاقوت در ایران، قیمت گذاری یاقوت ، ارزیاب یاقوت ، ویژگی جواهر یاقوت ، ضریب شکست نور یاقوت چقدر است، خواص یاقوت ، تشخیص بهسازی یاقوت ، خاصیت نوری یاقوت ، رنگ یاقوت زیر فیلتر چلسی، روش تشخیص یاقوت اصل، فرق یاقوت اصلی و مصنوعی،ruby

Ruby examination, ruby ​​density determination, ruby ​​outline color, ruby ​​birth certificate issuance, ruby ​​hardness determination method, ruby ​​examination cost, the best ruby ​​expert in Iran, ruby ​​pricing, ruby ​​appraiser, the characteristics of a ruby ​​gem, what is the refractive index of ruby, properties of ruby , recognition of ruby ​​improvement, optical property of ruby, color of ruby ​​under the Chelsea filter, method of identifying genuine ruby, difference between original and artificial ruby, ruby, related or similar to ruby

Since ruby ​​is a member of the corundum group, it is closely related to sapphire and thus their properties are similar in terms of resistance, composition and birefringence
Corundum gemstones are such as blue ruby, fine ruby, star ruby, and multicolored ruby
Cat’s eye rubies, star rubies and green rubies also exist but are very rare
Green rubies always have stars and are usually cut as gemstones
In this type of ruby, you can see the flickering of light in the form of a star, but such stones are very rare
Ruby is similar to other red gemstones such as almandite and pyrope
Lal Badakhshan, topaz, tourmaline and zircon may also be mistaken for ruby
Ruby can be combined with other minerals to form things like red zosite and ruby ​​in phachsite.
Famous ruby ​​stones

The famous ruby ​​stones are due to the beauty and color of the Edwards ruby, which weighs 167 carats and is kept in the National History Museum in London
Also, the 138.7 carat Roser Reeves Star Ruby is on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington
The 100-carat DeLong Star Ruby is in the National Museum of History in New York, and the 43-carat Peace Ruby was found in 1919.
Rubies have been important elements in the splendor of royal families.
A ruby ​​weighing 250 carats was used in the crown of the King of Bohemia.
Other large rubies are the Prince Black ruby ​​and the Timur ruby ​​in the British Royal Jewels, which are actually Badakhshan rubies because until the beginning of the 19th century, Badakhshan rubies were thought to be rubies.
A very famous ruby ​​ring was given to Elizabeth Taylor by Richard Burton.
It weighed 8.24 carats and was surrounded by diamonds and gold.
This ring was made by Van Cleef & Arpels and sold for $4.2 million in 2011.
Elizabeth Taylor’s third wife gave him a Cartier ruby ​​with diamond decorations worth more than 5 million dollars.
The most expensive ruby ​​ring ever sold was the Burmese ring weighing 32.08 carats and its price was recorded at 6.74 million dollars.
On November 26, 2013, a Burmese ruby ​​and diamond necklace was sold in Hong Kong for $6.4 million.
This was the highest price ever paid for the necklace.
Rubies are also famous in scientific applications, the first lasers were made from artificial ruby ​​crystal.
Ruby examination, ruby ​​density determination, ruby ​​outline color, ruby ​​birth certificate issuance, ruby ​​hardness determination method, ruby ​​examination cost, the best ruby ​​expert in Iran, ruby ​​pricing, ruby ​​appraiser, the characteristics of a ruby ​​gem, what is the refractive index of ruby, properties of ruby , recognition of ruby ​​improvement, optical property of ruby, color of ruby ​​under the Chelsea filter, method of identifying original ruby, difference between original and artificial ruby, ruby ​​pricing

کارشناسی یاقوت، تعیین چگالی یاقوت، رنگ خاکه یاقوت ، صدور شناسنامه یاقوت ، روش تعیین سختی یاقوت ، هزینه کارشناسی یاقوت ، بهترین کارشناس یاقوت در ایران، قیمت گذاری یاقوت ، ارزیاب یاقوت ، ویژگی جواهر یاقوت ، ضریب شکست نور یاقوت چقدر است، خواص یاقوت ، تشخیص بهسازی یاقوت ، خاصیت نوری یاقوت ، رنگ یاقوت زیر فیلتر چلسی، روش تشخیص یاقوت اصل، فرق یاقوت اصلی و مصنوعی،ruby

Like other precious stones, it is valued using known criteria such as color, cut, clarity, and weight. Ruby can also be valued based on geographic regions, which of course does not affect ruby’s properties. The most important factor that is considered in valuing jewelry is their color. This gem can exist in several colors, including pure red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. But it should be noted that the main color of ruby ​​is red, and other colors are known as its secondary color, which may be the result of chemical changes.

One of the signs to distinguish the original stone from its replacement is that the original stone passes the ultraviolet rays and synthetic types do not have this property of ruby. In general, all precious stones and jewels have similar and fake samples, which are far less expensive than the real ones. How to recognize the original type of counterfeit is one of the most important tasks that should always be considered when buying jewelry, which we will discuss in the following three ways to recognize it:
Color and shine:
One of the ways to recognize genuine rubies from fakes is their color. The original type are bright and clear in front of the lamp light, and this is a property of ruby, and in fake stones, these colors are often dull. If the gemstone is dark red, it is likely to be garnet. Check the constant red color of this gem everywhere and if you find spots that are scratched and have a different color, it is a fake.

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