Knowledge of barite rock, physical characteristics of barite rock

:Introduction of barite stone


Baryte comes from the word Baros, which means heavy or heavy, and this indicates that barite is a heavy stone

Barite is a heavy additive that is used in drilling mud for oil and gas wells, in paper and rubber and resin industries, as a filler or developer in textile – ink and plastic industries, in radiography as a shielding gas. It is used in vacuum lamps, as deoxygenation of copper (revival of copper), as a lubricant in anode rotors in X-ray lamps, as an alloy in car candles and in white pigments, and it is widely used in the production of brake

?What is barite

– Barium sulfate extracted from mines, which is known by the brand name of barites

– Pure artificial barium sulfate, which is known as Blank Fix
:Barite preparation process

If the barite ore is of a special type of crystal, it is crushed and sifted, and then it is classified according to particle size by blowing air. Badrang types are often treated with hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid to improve their color by removing impurities in them, which may be iron oxide or lead compounds. There may be some sulfate or calcium carbonate along with the resulting pigment. Since barite is a heavy pigment and settles quickly, the accompanying acid can be easily removed from container to container. The obtained barite is filtered, dried, ground and classified and separated by blowing air according to particle size


Barite is marketed in regular and micronized types. In the normal type, the particle size is between 20 and 25 micrometers. In the micronized type, it is possible that the particle sizes have several ranges and they are marketed with average sizes of 2, 5, 10 micrometers, etc. Now micronized types are widely used and have replaced conventional types

:The physical characteristics of barite are

Specific weight 4.5

Oil absorption 10-12

Optical refractive index 1.67

Average particle size comes in different sizes

Certain barite is practically transparent in organic environments, but most of its commercial types show little masking power due to impurities

This auxiliary pigment is chemically inert and very stable against all liquid paint phases. Barite dissolves only in concentrated sulfuric acid with heating, but after cooling or diluting the solution, it precipitates again

:Barite uses

Barite is used extensively in primers and liners and is thought to physically strengthen the film. This material is also used in fillers, concrete and some types of final building colors

:How to identify barite

Natural barite looks distinctly crystalline under the microscope, but in its micronized varieties, the crystalline state is less obvious, because the micronization process destroys the corners and sharp edges of the particles

Whenever a platinum wire is inserted into a barite solution and placed on a flame (platinum wire flame test), the barite produces a specific green color that is characteristic of barium compounds

It is chemically extremely inert, and in order to ensure the presence of barium and sulfate ions, it is necessary to melt it with anhydrous sodium carbonate. In this case

:decomposition occurs according to the following equation


Dissolve the melted material in water and filter it. The resulting solution is acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid solution and barium chloride solution is added to it. The formation of white sediment is the reason for the presence of sulfate ions. We dissolve the precipitate we obtained earlier in a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid and then add a dilute solution of sulfuric acid to it. The formation of a white precipitate is the reason for the presence of barium ions in the solution
:Barite resources


Most of the barites are extracted from the sedimentary rock layer that consists of barite in the deep oceans. In some extractions, barite is seen in the form of stone veins, which is extracted in small amounts. Barium sulfate is formed deep in the earth by warm underground waters. In some cases, barite is a byproduct of the extraction of materials such as lead, zinc, silver or other metals

In America, there are 9 large barite mines in Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, and Nevada. Barite production in China is about 10 times more than in America, India also has high production and about 40 other countries in the world produce barite. Many of the world’s reserves are economic, but some are not, because they are mined so cheaply in China

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