Actinolite stone


In nature, there is a very wide group of silicates with a complex composition, the main distinguishing feature of which is the tendency to form thin and long crystals. These compounds are called amphibole (in Greek “dual”, “obscure”). In the mineralogy group, actinolite can be recognized as a hero in terms of the ambiguity of its properties, variety of composition and multiplicity of forms
Types of actinolite

In addition to silicon oxide itself, actinolite contains oxidized calcium (usually “complete” with magnesium and iron bound) and a hydroxyl group. Because the impurities silicon and calcium can be together with magnesium, aluminum, titanium, manganese. The crystal structure of these compounds (feldspar, wollastonite) is always columnar

The almost obligate iron present in actinolite colors the mineral. Heterovalent ferrous metal compounds give the crystals a green or brown color

In addition to jade, amiant (Greek for “pure”) stands out among actinolites. In Amiens, the fibers formed by the transparent crystals are arranged in parallel and are easily separated from each other. This mineral is one of amphibole-asbestos. Its colors are in the violet part of the spectrum. Quartz with actinolite growth is called “hairy”. In Europe, since ancient times they were called “Thetis’s hair” (Latinized version of the name of the goddess Thetis)

Application of actinolite


In nature, there is a very wide group of silicates with a complex composition, the main distinguishing feature of which is the tendency to form thin and long crystals. These compounds are called amphibole (in Greek “dual”, “obscure”). In the mineralogy group, actinolite can be recognized as a hero in terms of the ambiguity of its properties, variety of composition and multiplicity of forms
Actinolite green rays

“Actis” means “ray” in Greek, so actinolite means “radiant stone”. The beautiful name given to this mineral by the Irishman Richard Crowan in 1794 does not reflect all the external characteristics of the stone. In most cases, actinolite really looks like a fossilized ray of radiation – moreover, green rays – but that’s why amphiboles exist to confuse experts…actinolite is not necessarily green, and not every mineral is opaque. In some areas (Tanzania, India) there are actinolites of excellent quality and size for making jewelry inserts



And at the same time, the brilliance of actinolite is its most important distinguishing feature! The interior decoration made of beautiful green stone with multiple rays of vein in all possible variations plays outwardly the beauty of a needle crystal. It is especially valuable in nephrite gemology

There are also fine-grained actinolites with unrecognizable filaments. Such stones are characterized by grass green color (preferably), brownish green, bluish green, brown color and transparency. The best actinolites of this type are called smaragdites and are of high value in the jewelry market

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