What is amblygonite stone? Its Gemological Profile – Gemological Laboratory

History of amblygonitis

Stone sizes The largest amblygonite cut, cut from Brazilian material, is approximately 70 carats. The range of precious stones is usually from 1 to 15 carats

It was named in 1817 by August Breithaupt after the Greek words “blunt” and “angle”. A member of the Amblygonite group, it has a three-ring crystal system


Characteristics of Amblygonite

Amblygonite has a gummy and oily polish with a full cleavage that makes this a very special stone and sets it apart from the rest. Amblygonite appears as a transparent or semi-translucent rock that occurs as a completely opaque and truncated form

It is found in a variety of shades, including milky white, yellow, pale green, light blue such as aquamarine, gray and beige. It may also be colorless when transmitted under light. Amblygonite has a very brittle texture and scores 5 to 6 on the Mohs hardness scale

Amblygonite gems are usually pale yellow in color. Although they are too soft and cutable to make ring stones

Amblygonitis care

Due to the relatively low hardness of amblygonites and montbrazites and complete cutting, avoid using mechanical cleaning methods such as steam and ultrasonic. Instead, use a soft brush, mild detergent, and warm water. Consult our gemstone jewelry cleaning guide for more advice

You are more likely to encounter these stones in mineral collections than jewelry collections


Meaning of Amblygonite

Its name derives from the Greek words meaning blunt and angular, because it was thought to have this cut, which has since been misdiagnosed. This stone is a mixture of a number of minerals, but contains a large amount of lithium, often around ten percent. It also contains other minerals such as sodium, aluminum and phosphate

This mineral is found in a wide range of colors: white, pink, green, blue, golden yellow. The hardness is 6 and its polish is glass. Amblygonite is crystallized in the triclinic crystallizing system and good examples of its gem quality are found in Brazil-America and many beautiful and purple varieties are found in Namibia. Most of its variety is yellow and may be confused with brazilianite and scapolite

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