What is smith zonite stone, identification of smith zonite

What is Smith Zonite?

اسمیت زونیت

Smith zonite is a gem-quality zinc carbonate (ZnCO3), sometimes called zinc spar
Although smithzonite is an important zinc ore, it is rarely found in regular crystalline form. Most deposits of smithzonite are grape-shaped or globular, although there are a few other localities that produce large, pure crystals. Due to the rarity of gem-quality crystals, Smith Zonite is one of the lesser-known gemstones. Therefore, it is sought after by more jewelry collectors than jewelry designers
Smith zonite is actually one of the two minerals with zinc, previously known as calamine
Over the years, Smith considered zonite and hemimorphite to be similar substances
Basically, the name calamine is only used to refer to zinc metal silicate
However, later in 1803, English chemist and mineralogist James Smithson first defined calamine as two separate minerals, a zinc carbonate and a zinc silicate, and in 1832, Francis Sulpice Beaudant named zinc carbonate Smithzonite, which It was derived from the name of James Smithson
Zinc silicate is rarer than zinc metal silicate (hemimorphite)
:How to identify Smith Zonite

Smith zonite is known as zinc carbonate and it is distinguished from hemimorphite according to its composition and the shape of its crystals
Smith zonite crystals are trihedral, while hemimorphite, zinc silicate, has rhombic right crystals
Smith zonite has a hardness of 5 on the Mohs scale and is denser than hemimorphite
Smith zonite is actually denser than most gemstones
In fact, the density of this stone is higher than sapphire and red ruby
Smith zonite can easily be mistaken for green agate, but Smith zonite is much softer and lighter in color
:Types of famous Smith Zonite

اسمیت زونیت

Smith Zunit James Smithson is a famous and capable chemist, mineralogist and scientist
He is known as a shrewd investor who had great fortune during his lifetime
After his death, his fortune was given to the United States of America to establish an institution for the promotion of science and knowledge among mankind
In 1846, the famous Smithsonian Institution was founded
:Smith Zonite mines and deposits

Smithzonite is formed as a secondary mineral in zinc-bearing reservoirs
Sometimes it is also found in other types of carbonate rocks and it is considered as a secondary example of other minerals
Smith zonite is usually found in clustered form
Some of its important reservoirs are found in Australia, Mexico, Namibia, Zambia, Italy, Greece, Spain and America
:Types of smith zonite stone cutters

Smith zonite is shaped with a codge so that its color becomes more visible and its brilliance reaches its maximum
Due to its low durability and rarity, it is not usually used for jewelry. The most common shapes that hold the weight of crystals are oval and convex
However, other forms are also seen, such as egg-shaped or pear-shaped
Fixed sizes and round stones are quite rare
:Color range in Smith Zonite

Smith Zonite is usually seen in different tones of light blue to blue, light green to green, and sometimes in combination with green and turquoise blue colors
The difference in color is very large and the reason is the difference in the amount of zinc and other impurities
Smith zonite has its green and blue color from copper, white cobalt also causes pink and purple color.The reason for the yellow color is cadmium, and iron is the reason for the brown to red colors

?Can Connie Smith Zonite be improved
Smith Zonite cannot be optimized or prepared in any way
However, some samples may be oiled to make them shine more
:Gemological features of Smith Zonite

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Chemical formula: Zn[CO3]- zinc carbonate
Shape of crystals: triangular, hexagonal
Color: light green, light blue, pink
Hardness: 5 on the Mohs scale
Refractive index: 1.621 to 1.849
Density: 4:00 to 4.65
Breakability: Perfect
Transparency: Translucent to opaque
Double refraction or two-way refraction of light: -0.228
Luster: glassy
Night view: blue-white, pink, brown
:List of types of stones that are similar or related to the mineral Smith Zonite

Smith zonite is closely related to hemimorphite and for many years the two have been known under the name calamine
Gem-quality blue-green Smith Zonite with pearly clarity is sometimes called Bonamite
:Other famous names used by collectors are as follows
Dry bone ore smith zonite porous, which is usually in the shape of a honeycomb
Turkey fat ore cluster form of yellow smith zonite
Smith zonite cadmium: Yellow to green smith zonite, the color of which is due to cadmium
Copper smith zonite: blue to green smith zonite, whose color is due to the presence of copper
Smith zonite is related to other gemstones such as malachite and azurite
Smithzonite may be considered a pseudo-mineral compared to other minerals such as calcite or fluorite
:Types of Smith Zonite jewelry design ideas

اسمیت زونیت

Because Smith Zonite is one of the rare and not so famous gemstones, it is a popular stone for collectors and is not often used in jewelry design
This stone is too soft and brittle to be used for jewelry design, and is as hard as agate or turquoise
If you wear Smith Zonite, you need to take great care of them
Their use should be limited to jewelry that is rarely used, such as earrings, pendants, cufflinks or brooches
Smith Zonite beads can also be used in rings, but they should not be worn too much
:How to care for Smith Zonite Gemstone

Smith Zonite TaqRiba is soft and breaks easily. This stone is highly severable, so you must be very careful when cutting or working with it. Due to its softness, it is easily scratched in the vicinity of other gemstones
Smith Zonite is considered porous and absorbs chemicals and fragrances
Therefore, do not use chemicals or detergents such as sulfuric acid to clean it. Do not put perfume or spray on the gemstones. Like most gemstones, do not use ultrasonic cleaners and steam cleaners
You can clean the Zonite with a soft cloth and a brush or soap and water. Always be careful to remove all soap residue completely. Remove Smith Zonite jewelry before exercising or performing strenuous physical activity
To store it, it is better to put it in a soft cloth separately from other jewelry and store it in a jewelry box

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