What is sodalite, how to identify sodalite, gemological characteristics of sodalite

?What is sodalite stone and what are its characteristic


Sodalite is a blue mineral that gets its name from the sodium it contains

Its name refers to the sodium in it. It is found in all shades of blue and is the main mineral found in lapis lazuli, which is why the two are confused

Unlike lapis lazuli, sodalite rarely has pyrite spots and is lighter than it and sometimes with calcite streaks and is used in jewelry making

Sodalite deposits were discovered in Greenland in 1806
In addition to blue, it may also be gray, yellow, orange or pink
However, as a gemstone, it is usually blue and can be seen in white ranges
Sodalite is also sometimes sold as bluestone, alumite, and Detroit
The pink color of sodalite is called hackmanite
This purple or pink gemstone was found in Quebec in 1991

?How to identify sodalite

Sodalite can be identified by its bright blue color and orange night vision
Sometimes it has a purple tint and in its matte type it shows white colors which consist of calcite
Sodalite is rare with clear crystals and can be gray, yellow, orange, blue, purple, or colorless
?Where is sodalite found


Sodalite occurs in igneous rocks that crystallize from sodium-rich magmas. These magmas also contain very little silicon and aluminum, often lacking quartz and feldspar minerals. The stones that Sodalite carries are nepheline, syenite, trachyte and phonolite. These types of rocks are so rare that most geologists never see them in geological fields

Sodalite is a member of a mineral group known as “feldspathoids”. They are rare aluminosilicate minerals that contain a lot of calcium, potassium or sodium. Its examples are: Sodalite, Nepheline, Lucite, Nosan, Havin, Lazurite, Concrinite and Melilite. These minerals often occur in igneous rocks, veins and fractures that cut them. They also occur in nearby metamorphic rocks

Known sodalite mines include: Litchfield in the United Kingdom, Maine and Magnet Cove and Arkansas in the United States; Northern Namibia; British Columbia; Bancroft, Ontario; Russia’s Kola Peninsula; and part of Greenland. The largest deposit of sodalite is in Bahia, Brazil
Gemological characteristics of sodalite

Chemical formula: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 basic copper carbonate
Crystal shape: cruciform, short, columnar, stacked
Color, blue, white, gray, yellow, orange, pink

Hardness: 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale
Refractive index: 1.48
Density: 2.14 to 2.40
Breakability: unknown
Transparency: transparent to opaque
Bilateral refraction or double refraction: no
Luster: vitreous to oily
Night view: strong, orange
How to clean and maintain sodalite

Sodalite gem is relatively hard, but its hardness is 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale, considering that the hardness of this stone is lower than many other gemstones, it should be used with more care and caution than sodalite stone due to pressure, high temperature and It is resistant to strong detergent chemicals, but avoid contact with sulfuric acid. To charge this stone, you can wash it with running water and expose it to sunlight
Gemstones similar to or related to sodalite

Dumortirite is similar in color to sodalite but has a higher hardness of 7
Lazolite is similar to sodalite in terms of color and hardness, but it does not have its night vision. Lapis lazuli stone is also similar in appearance to sodalite, and it may even contain sodalite
Due to the similarities, sodalite can be mistaken for lapis lazuli
However, lapis lazuli has a very high gravity of 2.5 to 3
In addition, lapis lazuli is technically defined as a stone, while sodalite is a pure and complete mineral
Sodalite is also mistaken for blue azurite because their color is similar
However, azurite has a lower hardness on the Mohs scale and is only between 3.5 and 4, and azurite is composed of copper carbonate
The pink-purple sample of sodalite is known as hackmanite
Sodalite can also be seen in colorless and transparent form
Clear sodalite is very rare because sodalite gemstones are blue-purple and opaque

Types of sodalite colors

In terms of gemstones, sodalite is mostly light blue, similar to azure, and usually has a white undertone. Sodalite can be gray, yellow, orange, or pink
Clarity and brilliance of sodalite

Sodalite has a glass transparency and an oily transparency is visible on its cracks
Its variety is from transparent to opaque and can be seen with white calcite crystals

Sodalite cut and shape

Sodalite is cut matte. It can be seen in oval, baguette or different shapes
Transparent material is shaved and is very rare

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