What is strontium titanite? How to produce and extract it

?What is strontium


What is strontium: Strontium (Sr) is a soft alkaline earth metal in the second group of the periodic table that has 3 allotropes, 16 unstable isotopes and four naturally stable isotopes. The physical and chemical properties of this element are very similar to calcium and barium. Strontium decomposes strongly in water and is somewhat malleable. Therefore, it must be kept in kerosene to prevent it from oxidizing. The new phase of strontium is silvery, but it quickly turns yellow with an oxide structure.
How to detect strontium

Because this element is highly reactive with air, it occurs naturally in combination with other elements in strontianite, celestite and other minerals. Separately, it is a yellow metal that is somewhat malleable and is mainly used in making the red flames of fireworks. Strontium is a shiny silver metal that is softer than calcium and more reactive in water

It is obtained from strontium in the state of decomposition of strontium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Both strontium oxide and strontium nitride burn in air to form, but because the element does not react with hydrogen gas below 380 degrees, the element oxidizes immediately at room temperature. Therefore, it should be kept under kerosene to prevent its oxidation. Pure strontium metal quickly turns yellow and oxidizes. The powdered metal of this element catches fire instantly in air. Volatile strontium salts produce beautiful garlic-red flames and these salts are used in pyrotechnics to produce illumination. Natural strontium is a mixture of four stable isotopes
?Where are the sources of strontium located


Strontium usually occurs in nature and accounts for a very small percentage of all rocks and volcanic rocks. This element exists in large quantities in the form of deposited sediments, which makes it easier to develop and mine. But the amount of these reserves is small. However, strontanite mineral is more suitable, because strontium is mostly used as carbonate. Its soluble amount in sea water is low like calcium and tends to form insoluble carbonate and sulfate. Some limestones can contain high amounts of strontium. The most important commercial mineral for the production of strontium is celestine, which is usually mined in open pits and by manual quarrying
?How is strontium carbonate produced

In addition to the presence of strontium carbonate naturally, this substance can be synthesized and produced in other ways. In the first method, it is produced from Celestine stone with the chemical formula of strontium sulfate that exists naturally or by using soluble strontium salts and reacting it with a carbonate solution (usually sodium and aluminum carbonate or carbon dioxide gas) or from strontium solution. Sulphide with carbon dioxide gas. This article is about strontium carbonate, calcium carbonate, sodium citrate, strontium carbonate price, strontium carbonate application, strontium carbonate production

Strontium is extracted from two ores, celestid and strutianite. The main commercial process for producing strontium metal is the reduction of strontium oxide with aluminum. This metal is obtained from the electrolysis of fused chloride with potassium chloride or through the reduction of strontium oxide with aluminum under vacuum conditions and at the temperature where strontium is distilled. The largest mined deposits of this element are in England
:Now let’s talk about the gemological features of strontium


Name: Strontium Strontium Strontium
Atomic number: 38
Atomic mass: 87.62
Melting point: C° 769
Boiling point: C° 1384
Atomic radius: Å 2.45 – (pm) 215
Quantum radius: 191
Ionic radius: 112 (+ 2E)
Capacity: 2
Color: white silver
Standard state: solid
Name of the group: 2
Ionization energy: Kj/mol 549.5
Ionic radius: Å 1.12
Electronegativity: 0.95
Oxidation state: 2
Density: 2.630
Heat of decomposition: Kj/mol 8.3
Heat of vaporization: 144 Kj/mol
Electrical resistance: Ohm m 0.000000131
Specific heat: J/g Ko 0.3
Period: 5
Energy level number: 5
Enthalpy of sublimation: 164 kJ/mol
Density at 20 degrees Celsius: 2.6 g/cm3
Heat of vaporization (kg/mol): 144

:The uses and applications of strontium


The uses of strontium and its compounds are in medicine, metallurgical industries, metal melting, preparation of grease, color materials, light physics (optics), molten salt baths, etc
:military industries

In the military industry, various strontium compounds such as strontium nitrate, peroxide and oxalate are used to make beacons and tracer ammunition
Strontium carbonate is used in ammunition, military equipment, destructive marine signals

:Oil Industry

It is used as a substitute for barite in drilling mud for oil wells


Strontium titanite is an interesting optical material that has a very high refractive index and higher optical dispersion than diamond
Strontium is also used as a gem, but it is very soft
Celestine has a blue color suitable for collectors

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