Garnet Recognition | Garnet Features

History of Garnet


Garnet with color change property is one of the rare and valuable types of garnet gemstones
This stone is very remarkable due to its color-changing properties depending on the type of light source
The ability to change color is often confused with the phenomenon of pleochroism, which is the ability to display different colors depending on the angle of view, while the phenomenon of color change has nothing to do with the angle of view.
Garnet with color change property is usually a combination of sparsite and pyrope garnet and in many cases may contain elements of almandine garnet or grossularite


The intensity of the color change in garnet with the color change property, can be very impressive, which is often superior to the best alexandrite
Most color grants show bronze or brownish green when viewed in natural light
But when viewed in the sun, they appear pink
There are several types of color change combinations
In order to ensure a wide range of garnet color variations, samples of this stone should be exposed to different lighting conditions
Include daylight and early morning light, afternoon light, fluorescent light and incandescent or candlelight

Garnet stone detection


Theoretically, the garnet group is composed of two types of minerals: aluminum silicate, which includes pyruvate, almeneite and spesartite, and calcium silicate, which includes avarite, grossularite and andradite
The main difference between these types is the small change in color, density and refractive index
Despite the distinct species with very different compositions, all garnet species have a similar crystal structure
Rhombic dodecahedron, rhombic dodecahedron crystals with rhombic appearance
This crystal shape is a symbol of all gemstones and garnet minerals

Apart from the ability to change color, the garnet composition has the same color change property as the Malay garnet composition
Garnet with color change property can be easily distinguished from other garnets when viewed with different light sources
Color-changing garnet is sometimes confused with alexandrite, but due to its hardness, the two stones can be easily distinguished
Alexandrite is rarely found in larger dimensions, often weighing less than half a carat, while color-changing garnet is usually found in sizes larger than one carat

The main sources of garnet stone have the property of changing color

Garnet gemstones are a relatively common occurrence that occurs in highly metamorphic or metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks formed under very high pressure and temperatureToday, the main source of garnet is discoloration in East Africa, especially the Omba Valley in Tanzania
Other significant sources include Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Madagascar, Norway, the Tundra and the United States

Garnet with color change properties from East Africa is usually a combination of spsartite, grossularite and different proportions of almandine or pyrope
The discoloration of the rock is usually yellowish-green to brown scattered under fluorescent light, and reddish-purple is reflected or reflected under fluorescent light
Under the light of an incandescent lamp, its color changes from reddish orange to red
Samples of spesartite, grossular and pyrope are usually scattered under fluorescent light
Bluish green and reflected under reflected fluorescent light, purple violet; They also change from bright red to purple under sunlight

The stone produced in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) varies from blue, green or gray (in daylight) to reddish purple (under incandescent light)

The color of garnet stone has the property of changing color

The color change of garnet depends on the light source. The most common change is from red to green
In daylight, garnet can be from green to gray and in some cases blue
When seen in direct light incandescent bulbs, its color is purple to purple like amethyst (purple ruby)
Under candlelight, it can have a dense color almost like the color of blood
Other color combinations that are possible are reddish orange to red
Greenish to pinkish red, bright red to purple and light bluish to purple purple

Discoloration is a very rare occurrence that occurs in only a handful of jewelry
The ability to change color occurs in rare rocks that do not absorb two waves of light (instead of one wave) and are about the same size
For example, a red rock is seen as red because it absorbs all frequencies of light except red
But gemstones that absorb all frequencies of light except blue and red
They appear blue when the light source is rich in blue wavelengths, and red when the light source is rich in red wavelengths
Length-rich fluorescent light causes blue, while incandescent and candlelight are rich in red wavelengths
Natural daylight also has a very good and balanced spectrum of most visible light wavelengths

The sharpness and radiance of garnet stone has the property of changing color

Garnet has a color-changing property that is usually transparent, but impurities are very common, as are some other types of garnet
Large specimens of this stone without visible impurities are rare
The best examples have a charm and shine of glass with a single cut and polishing

Garnet stone cutting and shaping has color change property

Garnet with color change property is usually machined to increase the ability to change color
Oval and circular shapes are more common, but emerald pillows and lathes are also very popular
Fantasy shapes, such as tears, hearts and trillions, are very rare, but they do exist

The most similar gemstones to garnet


Star garnet, pyrope garnet, almandine garnet, redolite garnet, spsartite, grossularite, tsvaurite garnet, dementoid garnet and Malaya are the most well-known species of garnet

Similar but lesser known types of gemstones

Hydrogrosular garnet, andradite garnet, melanite, tepazolite, avarite, financial garnet, hesonite garnet, lyco garnet and ombalt are similar and lesser known types

Garnet mines


The range of types of this gem is very large in the world and it can be said that in almost every region of the world you can find some kind of garnet stone, but the type of this stone that is valuable in the jewelry industry can be found only in limited areas of the world

Ornamental almandine is found in northern India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Madagascar, Pakistan, Brazil and the United States

Garnet extraction has been done in different areas of our country, which are often not used for jewelry. In Mikadar schists of the Khalaj mountains of Mashhad, also in the Gabri mountain region of Rafsanjan on the Hamadan-Malayer road, as well as in the Shahsoon Malayer valley, grants are found that are the size of pomegranate seeds

Types of garnet

Almandite (ruby red): This is the most common type of stone used in the jewelry industry.
Dementoid (green garnet): The color of this type of garnet is green and is extracted from the Ural Mountains of Russia. Demento is very shiny and bears a strong resemblance to diamond. Green garnet is very rare and valuable and has very special physical conditions and is a very valuable and expensive gem of jewelry. Green color is due to the presence of calcium and chromium. The green color of this stone is found from Peridot green (emerald) to emerald green
Andradite (green, yellow, brown, black): This type contains titanium and magnesium
Melanite (black or dark red)
Topazolite: This type is yellow and is found only in fine crystals
Grassular: It is a type of stone that is colorless in its purest form

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