Identification of emerald | Features of emerald gemology

Emerald gemological features

گوهرشناسی،زبرجد،شناخت زبرجد،کارشناسی زبرجد،زبرجد، سنگ زبرجد

Chemical formula: (Mg, Fe) 2SiO4 Magnesium iron silicate
Crystal shape: straight rhombus, compact prism, vertical grooves
Color: greenish yellow, olive green, brown
Resistance: 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale
Refractive index: 1.650 to 1.703
Density: 3.28 to 3.48
Gap: Unknown
Transparency: Transparent
Double refraction or bilateral failure: 0.036 to 0.038
Luminosity: glass, oily
Overnight: None

How to discover a submarine

The stone was first discovered on an island in the Red Sea near Egypt
According to legend, the inhabitants of this island had to collect stones for the treasury of Pharaoh
For this reason, the inhabitants of the island were forced to work in the mines during the day and night to extract stones, and this was the reason for them to discover the emerald gemstone
Because this stone created a completely beautiful glow during the night
For this reason, the Egyptians considered this stone as a gem of the sun as well as the emerald of the night
In fact, emerald gemstone is known as the national gem of Egypt

Emerald-like stones

گوهرشناسی،زبرجد،شناخت زبرجد،کارشناسی زبرجد،زبرجد، سنگ زبرجد

Emerald is a kind of transparent jewelry of Olive species
Olivine is not officially a mineral but consists of two minerals: fialite and ferrite
Failite is the same as iron-rich olivine, while olivine ferrite is rich in magnesium
Although iron is the cause of dye in emeralds, it is essentially closer to ferrite than fayalite because of its chemical composition
Chrysolite is sometimes called the old name for green gemstones
Other forms of chrysolite include chrysoberyl, zergon, tourmaline, topaz, and apatite

The place of emerald formation in the ground

گوهرشناسی،زبرجد،شناخت زبرجد،کارشناسی زبرجد،زبرجد، سنگ زبرجد

In the past and now, emerald mining is one of the most unique stones; Because most rocks are formed in the earth’s crust
This is while emerald gemstone is formed in the lower layers of the earth’s crust
This stone is actually formed in the Earth’s mantle, another stone that is formed in the Earth’s mantle is diamond
The depth of these rocks in the Earth’s mantle reaches twenty to fifty miles
However, in some areas, due to the activity of the tectonic plate or the activity of volcanoes, emerald gemstones naturally reach higher levels above the ground

Emerald Green or Olive

گوهرشناسی،زبرجد،شناخت زبرجد،کارشناسی زبرجد،زبرجد، سنگ زبرجد

Emerald is a quality jewel made of mineral olivine
This stone belongs to the family of fialite-forsterite minerals
Some people call green emerald Olivine, but when it comes to gemstone, green emerald is a better term
Emerald is a jewel with its own color, which means that its color is created as a result of the chemical compounds inside it and has nothing to do with foreign impurities
So it is only green
In fact, emerald green is one of the few gemstones that has only one color
However, a variety of green colors such as light green and dark green are also seen in this

The root of the name Emerald

گوهرشناسی،زبرجد،شناخت زبرجد،کارشناسی زبرجد،زبرجد، سنگ زبرجد

The name green emerald (peridot) is derived from the Arabic word for jewelry, faridat
Sometimes they call the poor man’s emerald or chrysolite a word derived from the Greek word for gold stone
This specimen is one of the oldest gemstones that dates back to 1500 BC
In the past, the emerald volcanic island in the Red Sea, east of Egypt, was the most important source of these rocks, dating back 3,500 years
Today, the best green emeralds of the highest quality are mined in the Mogok region of Burma, although Pakistani emeralds are also of high quality
There are also reservoirs of this stone in Arizona, China and Vietnam
Green emeralds have also been found in meteorites that have hit Earth and have been discovered on Mars and the moon in the form of olivine

Emerald identification

گوهرشناسی،زبرجد،شناخت زبرجد،کارشناسی زبرجد،زبرجد، سنگ زبرجد

Green emerald is chemically magnesium silicate iron and its color intensity depends on the amount of iron
It may also contain some nickel and chromium
Green emerald is not very hard and is not resistant to acid
In very rare specimens, it can show the cat’s famous eye glow in the form of four-pointed stars
You may confuse green emerald with similar colored jewelry, but its strong double refraction is its distinguishing feature
In thicker stones, doubling the proper cutting edges can be easily seen without the need for magnification

Origin and resources of Emerald

Most gemstones form in the earth’s crust, but green emeralds form deep in the earth’s mantle
Emerald crystals in magma are higher than the mantle and come to the surface by volcanic or nuclear tectonics and are covered in volcanic rocks
In the past, the volcanic island of Zabargad in the Red Sea was the site of the most important treasures of this rock
The discovered stones were 3,500 years old and had been abandoned for centuries. It was not until around 1900 that their discovery and extraction began
Today, the most important sources of this stone are in Pakistan
Cosmetics are also found in Myanmar and Vietnam
Other reservoirs are in Australia, Brazil, China, Kenya, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United States
China has recently become the largest producer of emeralds

Emerald color

Emerald is one of the rarest species of gemstone that has one color
The intensity of the green color depends on the amount of iron in it
The color of emerald varies from greenish yellow to olive and brown-green and shines beautifully under natural sunlight
Its bright green color does not change under artificial light
The best emerald color has an iron content of less than 15% and usually also contains some nickel and chromium
Bold emerald green is the most popular and expensive type

Emerald transparency and radiance

Emerald has excellent transparency. Its brilliant species are very limited
Larger rocks are opaque due to the presence of slightly cloudy impurities
When cut and polished, they shine like glass

Emerald cut and shape

Emerald is usually cut because of its high transparency
Stair cuts are very popular
Emeralds can be found in shapes such as old bead circles, ovals, emeralds and pillows

Famous emerald stones

The largest emerald found on Zabargad Island, weighing 319 carats, belongs to the Stimson Institute in Washington
In Russia there are emeralds found in eastern Siberia and meteorites

Maintenance and cleaning of emerald gemstones

Emerald is relatively durable
But it is less hard than other jewelry, so be careful not to scratch it
This stone is not sensitive to acid but is brittle
It also explodes under high pressure so do not put it at high pressure
Also stay away from high temperatures and climate change
Emerald can simply be washed with a soft cloth and soap and water
Try to wash all soap particles
Do not use acoustic or steam cleaners
Always take it off when exercising or doing household chores
And put it separately in a piece of jewelry in your jewelry box

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