Diamond recognition method | Types of diamond cutting | Rule 4 c in diamond

History of the origin of diamonds

الماس،کارشناسی الماس،جواهر،سنگ

The word Adamas in Greek means invincible. We will see that diamond is the only precious mineral that is made from only one element found in nature, carbon. Diamonds have a very dense atomic lattice that causes high hardness, or in other words, the hardest crystallized material on Earth. The chemical formula of diamond is pure carbon (C), but detailed studies show that 99.95% of it is carbon and the rest is chemical impurities, the same small amount of which can affect the color of diamond

الماس،کارشناسی الماس،جواهر،سنگ

Diamonds are said to have first been introduced to Europe in the fourth century BC, but were previously found by humans in India in an area called Golconda and have been the only known source for 2,000 years

In the late nineteenth century, the trade in this stone entered a new phase with the advent of diamonds in South Africa, and from this period, due to the increase in trade to Europe, there was a huge change in the trade of this stone

Diamonds are made of carbon – fully organized carbon
According to a new study published in the journal Nature, scientists estimate that diamonds were produced on Earth between one and three billion years ago

They think the instructions for making a diamond are as follows
1. Bury carbon dioxide at a depth of 180 km
2. Heat it to more than 1200 degrees
3. Put it under a pressure of more than 50,000 kg force per square centimeter
4. Quickly bring it to the ground to cool quickly

The first synthetic method is called the “high pressure, high heat” (HPHT) method
This method is most similar to how diamonds are formed inside the earth, where graphite (the same carbon used in pencil) is subjected to extreme pressure and heat

The small anvils in the HPHT machine press on the graphite as intense electricity passes through it, creating a jewel-quality diamond in just a few days
Of course, these diamonds are not as pure as natural diamonds, because a metal solution is mixed with graphite

Another method of producing diamonds is called chemical vapor deposition

الماس،کارشناسی الماس،جواهر،سنگ

Which operates on the basis of high pressure, but can produce more perfect diamonds than nature. A piece of diamond is placed in a pressure reducing chamber, then natural gas is sent into the chamber with a microwave radiation. When the gas reaches about 2000 degrees Given, the carbon atoms on the diamond “rain” inside the chamber and stick to it, and a complete sheath grows around the diamond overnight

What are the four famous C’s in diamonds


The jewelry industry recognizes the highest quality gemstones through color purity, tonnage depth, and color saturation. Stones are most valuable in their colors and thin streaks of other colors that are not too light or dark; Be observed and have sufficient saturated color. There are several examples of high quality colored gemstones available in Diamond Blooms

But check out this important feature in Diamonds, Diamonds

The more colorless a diamond is, the more valuable it is. The GIA standard uses Latin letters to grade this attribute, which classifies the letter D, which is the most colorless stone, to Z, which is a diamond, in light yellow. Also, it is not possible to detect color differences, for example, color differences between colors D and E, which are very close in color, and with the naked eye, gemologists use reference stones (Masterstone) to distinguish color, recommended by Blooms Diamond Dear ones, to ensure a safe purchase, you will receive a birth certificate or a complete invoice with the color characteristic of the stone, in the Iranian market for small stones (mele stones) that are not graded, for stones that are almost colorless (range D to H) They use the word white, but when buying large stones (seeds), the color of the stone must be mentioned as one of the important characteristics of the stone in the invoice or identity card, in Diamond Blooms, due to the high importance of the finished product quality for small stones. Colored stones are not used in any way and Moisnite seeds in this collection, unlike other stones available in the Iranian market, are completely colorless and D-colored


All gemstones also contain impurities. Stones that are very expensive contain very little impurities. Flawless gemstones are very rare and expensive. The best price is set for stones that contain small to moderate amounts of impurities, which are commonly found in jewelry stores such as Diamond Blooms.

Diamond is a rock formed in nature as a result of carbon atoms being exposed to high temperatures and pressures deep underground. In this process, the diamond can find internal impurities or surface impurities later. Evaluating the degree of purity of a diamond involves determining the number, size, color, type, and location of impurities and how much they affect the appearance of the diamond. The less impurities diamonds have, the rarer and therefore more valuable they will be.
The GIA standard classifies these impurities as 11 degrees as follows: FL (without any impurity) to I3 (obvious impurity), respectively. The location and type of impurities are very important in this classification

Lathe Cut

الماس،کارشناسی الماس،جواهر،سنگ

Unlike diamonds, other precious stones usually do not have a geometrically ideal cut to show their maximum luster. Cutting high quality gemstones is one of the methods that can show their color in the best possible way and leave the least pollution and impurities

In diamond, 2 characteristics that are very important in the beauty and attractiveness of this stone are related to the cut, and these two important characteristics are the brightness and seeing the color spectrum due to the decomposition of light in the stone, which is evident by changing the direction of a diamond in light. If the important proportions in the stone cutting are not done well, this radiance will be very weak. Blooms Diamond basically uses stones in its products that have an ideal or very good cutting

Proportion, symmetry and smoothness of a stone after cutting are the things that can affect the Cut stone characteristic, which defines standards for all three GIA cases. In fact, as you can see in the picture below, the more accurate the stone cutting. The amount of light reflected from the rock is higher, so the brightness of the rock will be higher

Carat stone weight

The setting unit is precious stones, including carat diamonds (Carat), every 5 carats is equivalent to one gram, and for diamonds under one carat, a single point is used

Types of diamond cutting
One of the most important factors in gemstones is their cut. The important point in cutting precious stones is to maintain the weight of the stone and the popularity of its shape. Note that cutting precious stones should not be confused with the shape of the stone. The cut is related to how the diamond surfaces are cut and its shape is related to the appearance of the diamond
Cutting diamonds in terms of quality level includes the following
Ideal: A state in which the diamond has the highest luminosity with the lowest external surface, which is only seen in the round diamond type
• Premium: A state that is very close to the ideal type
Very good: In this case, most of the light entering the diamond is reflected. In this type of cut, the diamond is divided into relatively larger pieces
• Good: In this case, a little more is reflected from the light that enters the diamond and the lathe selects this type of cut to create the largest and best piece of diamond stone
Relatively good and poor: (Fair & Poor) In this case, only a small amount of light enters the diamond, and the lathe usually chooses this cut for the highest weight of the diamond

Factors and principles that determine the overall quality of the cut include the segmentation and symmetry of the diamond cut and its polishing quality. Since the amount of light sparkle and brilliance of a diamond largely depends on the angle of the cutting surfaces relative to each other, poor cutting of the diamond can reduce the quality of the gemstone. Because. Diamond cutting models, like its other features such as transparency, color and weight, is one of the criteria for determining the quality of diamonds and makes the final appearance of diamonds

The most common types of diamond cutting

الماس،کارشناسی الماس،جواهر،سنگ

One of the most important factors in grading diamonds is their cut. Because their gloss is greatly influenced by the quality of the cut, the polish of the plates and the way they are arranged. Diamonds are cut into different shapes and their cutting shape is usually confused with their cutting style, which is a separate category. When we talk about the cutting shape of diamonds, we mean the geometric shape. They are, which includes round, rectangular, square, oval, etc., and the meaning of cutting style (Cutting Style) is the number and placement of cutting plates. In the following, we will deal with the types of diamond cutting models and the most common diamond cuts

Round Diamonds
The standard mode of diamond among the various shapes is the round diamond, which contains 75% of the diamonds sold. Round diamonds use about 58 cuts, which are divided between the crown, the waist and the base. The famous model of diamonds, ie diamonds, is of the same type

Diamond cutting steps

الماس،کارشناسی الماس،جواهر،سنگ
The process by which an uncut diamond is turned into a beautiful, cut stone is called diamond cutting. Diamond cutting should be done by a gemologist who has a lot of experience, skills and knowledge. This work is very delicate and any small details will have a great impact on the final result of the work. As a result, all tools and equipment used for this work must be professional. The whole process of diamond cutting and polishing is divided into five main stages

Planning, Cleaving, Bruting, Brillianteering & Polishing, Cleaning
(Planning) Planning
The first step in cutting a diamond that has the greatest impact on the final result is that the cutter determines the desired geometric shape (round, square, oval, etc.) according to market demand (design). In such a way that the least weight and the most profit is obtained. The next step is the fit of the pages and the quality of the lathe. At this stage, fractures, impurities and other factors that may affect the final result are considered. At this stage, it is also decided how the Rough will be divided into two parts. Today, devices that transfer three-dimensional Rough-shaped scans to a computer are often used to make accurate measurements. Then the computer lathe operator can make sure that the work is done correctly
The step is to divide the Rough into two parts. This step is done by hitting Rough in a direction parallel to the octahedral plates. Today, this method is used in more recent forms such as sawing or laser sawing. Divide Rough into two parts,
Provides conditions for the lathe to work on each part individually and also allows the lathe to make the most of Rough

Pear Shaped Diamonds

The pear-shaped diamond cut is a combination of oval and marquise diamonds, which can also be compared to a shining teardrop. This type of diamond is probably the most popular type to use on a plate or pendant, because it has a shiny effect throughout and will look great with other small diamonds. It is also very popular for use on the ring among people with short fingers. This model, like the round diamond chip model, has many fans

Heart Diamond

It is said that if you want to make sure of your personal skill in cutting diamonds, you should see his skill in cutting heart-shaped diamonds. In this type of lathe, which is also a symbol of love, there is a pear-shaped diamond and there is a cut at the top. This design is very widely used in necklace making

Emerald Cut Diamond

The long list of celebrities who have chosen the one-jewel ring with emerald carving proves that emerald carving in glitter plays the first role. For this reason, it is not surprising that artists such as Elizabeth Taylor and Grace Kelly, known for their unique and stylish style, wore emerald-cut rings

This carving is one of the oldest styles of carving and, as its name suggests, was originally for emeralds, but gradually, since the 1500s, it has been used for carving other stones as well. The long angles of this carving cause a kind of error. It can be seen that it is known as the Hall of Mirrors, a state in which amazing rays are formed from the contrast of light and darkness

Princess Cut Diamond

Even the name of this beautiful cut alone can make the owner of the ring feel out of fairy tales! The original name of this lathe (before the stone was placed on the ring) is square diamond, Princess Lathe is one of the newest types of lathes and was created in 1980. This type of lathe, which is basically a square shape of round diamond cutter, has a conical shape and is oblique on all four sides, which has increased the luster of the stone

Like the round diamond cutter, this cutter has 58 faces and to prevent it from collapsing, it should always be fastened with hooks in the four corners. Another advantage of this cutter compared to the round diamond cutter is that for the money you pay, You get more diamonds, because less stone is cut; While in a round diamond of the same size, more stone is cut to round the stone

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